Zufriedene Kundin der Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe.


Please tell us your first name.
Please tell us your last name.
Please provide us with a correct e-mail address.
Please tell us your phone number.
Please fill in the message.
Please confirm that you have read our data protection note.

Contact & service

Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe - Elisabeth Nentwig GmbH
Miglitz­pro­me­nade 18
8301 Laßnitz­höhe
+43 (0) 3133 / 2274

Blick in den Innenhof der Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe.


Your opinion is important to us!

Therefore, we would like to ask you for your feedback. Using this online form, you have the opportunity to submit any wishes, suggestions, criticism or praise. Simply fill out the form and send it – naturally, all information will be treated confidentially.

Please tell us your feedback-category.
Please tell us who you are.
Please tell us the appropriate facility.

Please do not enter any personal health information in the text field below as this online form is not suitable for the submission of health-related information.

Please fill in your feedback.

We would appreciate the opportunity it to contact you if necessary. By providing us with your full name, email address and/or phone number, you agree to being contacted for additional questioning or to provide feedback.

Please tell us your name.
Please provide us with a correct e-mail address.
Please tell us your phone number.
Please confirm that you have read our data protection note.

You are also welcome to contact us directly via email (feedback@sanlas.at) or by phone (+43 (0) 3133 / 2274 - 9218).


For questions regarding the admission, we are at your disposal under the following contact details: 

Andrea Lechner
Reception and patient admission management 

+43 (0) 3133 2274 – 7161

Arrival & location

Since the turn of the century, the market town Laßnitzhöhe is known as a health resort thanks to its altitude of 600m and the surrounding hills. Our clinic is located in the center of the village in a beautiful location in the countryside with a wonderful 360 degree view of the provincial capital of Graz, the Styrian hills and far beyond the Slovenian border. 


City of Graz: 15 km - Airport in Graz: 18 km
Vienna: 185 km - Klagenfurt: 144 km - Salzburg: 300 km

To make your arrival easier, we have put together a checklist of the most important items for your stay:

Sport & leisure possibilities

Thanks to its location in the middle of one of the most beautiful holiday regions in Austria, Laßnitzhöhe offers numerous sports and leisure facilities for visitors and their families. Hiking, Nordic walking, running tracks, bike paths and an 8 km long terrain adventure path sebas­tian RELOADED®, which offers different exercise opportunities in nature.

Read more

Shopping possibility

A shopping center is located directly at the entrance to the clinic grounds and also the train station, which offers numerous connections, can be reached on foot within a few minutes (pick-up service from Laßnitzhöhe station is possible).

Häufige Fragen

Darf ich am Wochenende nach Hause gehen?

Das ist nur in Ausnahmefällen und nach Rücksprache bzw. Genehmigung durch den Versicherungsträger möglich.

Kann ich mir die Therapien aussuchen?

Therapien werden vom Arzt nach Notwendigkeiten und nach Vorgabe des Leistungsprofils der Versicherung zusammengestellt. Daher sind Änderungen auch nur nach ärztlicher Rücksprache möglich.

Gibt es ein Freizeitprogramm?

Zum Freizeitangebot

Was muss ich zur Reha mitbringen?
