Information for residents
Registration and admission
If you are interested in a place in our house or if you have questions about our offers and services, please contact our administration - here you will be happy to help. Of course, you can also make an appointment to visit our house and / or to get all the essential information in the form of a personal consultation.
The basic service for accommodation in a stationary facility as well as the current fee catalog according to LEVO-SHG can be found on the Health Server of the Province of Styria at
If the costs of staying in a residential institution are higher than the income of the person, the public sector will benefit from social assistance in the form of an additional payment.

Residents rights
- Right to polite manners and respect for the dignity and personality, especially to the privacy and intimacy.
- Right to care and support in the scope of services and to consent or refusal of therapeutic measures.
- Right to inspect your own care documentation.
- Right to name a confidant who has to be informed in essential matters.
- Right to hold residents meetings (at least 1 x per year) and the choice of resident representatives.
- Right to treatment and handling of complaints.
- Right to free choice of doctor.
- Right to be consulted outside the home.
- Right to visiting hours outside of the night's rest periods and the possibility of visiting during the night's rest period in special cases.
- Right to meals and rest periods, which correspond to the usual living conditions (eg meal plans).
- Right of access to a telephone.
- Right to personal clothing.
- Right to payment documents for special services.
- Possibility to safely store money and valuables.
- Right to hand over the home statute.
- Right to privacy