Withing a very short time you reach the nearby recreation area Schöckl, which attracts its visitors with numerous paths and trails as well as with its cable car and summer toboggan run, During summertime enjoy the out-door pool in the nearby climatic health resort St. Radegund, As early as in the times of the monarchy, the resort was famous with its medical properties and a health-sparing climate. Since that time, St Radegund has become a climatic health resort known far beyond the Federal Land of Styria.
Not far away from Weinitzen is the Graz district Maria Trost, which offers a wide range of opportunities for leisure activities, such as sports, paths and trails or the visit of the imposant and famous Mariatrost basilica.
We would be very glad to be able to inform and help you with the organization of your leisure programme. Please do not hesitate to contact our reception.