Application and resignation
For any further questions or to arrange a personal appointment please contact:
Maria Kasper, MBA
+43 3452 / 83 325 - 7101
Grazerstraße 74
8430 Neutillmitsch
We kindly ask you to bring following documents (original ones or copies) the first day when you move in our home Neutillmitsch-Gralla:
- birth certificate
- citizenship
- certificate of marriage
- current residence registration
- current proof of retirement pay
- the original notice of care level
- e-card
Additional information if available
- current list of medicines
- medical records
- name of the family doctor well as
- enough clothing
- present toiletries
- in case of incontinence, please bring also remaining stocks of articles
- in case of the necessity of tube feeding, please bring remaining stocks
Of course we will help and make it easy for our patients to move in our house, so that they get familiar with their new home and the surrounding within a short period of time.
Wir bieten unseren Patienten sowohl individuelle als auch gemeinschaftliche Unternehmungen – dabei kann frei aus dem vielfältigen Sportprogramm mit Schwimmen, Nordic-Walking, Bergwandern und Fußball sowie aus den Gruppenangeboten mit Musiktherapie, Kochgruppe und Lesegruppe gewählt werden. Lesen Sie hier mehr über die wunderschöne Gegend, in der unser Betreuungsheim angesiedelt ist!