Wir orientieren uns an dem Pflegekonzept von Monika Krohwinkel und betreuen Menschen aller Pflegestufen. Unsere Ziele sind die Erhaltung, die Förderung bzw. das Wiedererlangen von Unabhängigkeit und Wohlbefinden der pflegebedürftigen Person. Um das zu erreichen, sind neben der Pflege durch unser qualifiziertes Personal auch der Patient selbst und seine Angehörigen gefragt. Die Ziele bleiben bestehen, unabhängig davon, ob der pflegebedürftige Mensch gesund, krank oder behindert ist oder ob er sich bereits in der letzten Phase des Lebens befindet.
Our center provides patients of all ages with all care services (except for the patients with apparatus for artificial respiration). We provide our patients either with long-term care and supervision or short period staying in our center. Thus, families of our patients can take vacations with confidence that we will take care properly of the member of their families within the vacation period.
Our center receives patients within the period between hospital and home care. Our patients have opportunity to continue services of their family doctor as well as continue prescribed treatment. We consult and assist in social issues.

- 24h nursing care
- Long and short-term stays
- Care of all ages and care levels
- All necessary diets on doctor's orders
- Wound management
- In-house physiotherapy and massage
- Weekly animal assisted therapies with dogs
- Exercise offer with gymnastics
- Creative offers such as music making, singing, handicrafts, painting and crafts as well as weekly visits by young people
- Cognitive training: memory exercises, individual and group discussions
- Festivals in the annual cycle, games and social events as well as joint excursions
- Family counseling
- Advice and assistance with administrative matters
- Billing with social welfare agencies