Surgical face and neck lift
Over the years, the skin loses moisture and elasticity, which leads to a weakening of the muscles and connective tissue. This slackens the skin and soft tissues on the face and neck, also causes them to sink forwards and downwards due to the influence of gravity. A change in the contours of the face can be seen, deep wrinkles appear in the nose and mouth area, on the forehead, as well as on the cheek and eye areas, which makes the person appear more unfavorable and older. The appearance of those affected can be significantly improved with a face and neck lift, whereby the desired facial contours are restored by lifting the sagging tissue.
The decision to have a face or neck lift requires a lengthy decision-making process and must be accompanied by detailed explanation and information. We offer you a responsible, medically competent but also discreet approach to your physical, mental and visual well-being.
Please arrange an initial appointment with us so that we can discuss your concerns in detail.
We look forward to your call on 03133/6100.