Schwarzl Klinik
Hauptstraße 140
8301 Lassnitzhöhe
+43 (0) 3133 / 6100
Contact & service
Your opinion is important to us!
Therefore, we would like to ask you for your feedback. Using this online form, you have the opportunity to submit any wishes, suggestions, criticism or praise. Simply fill out the form and send it – naturally, all information will be treated confidentially.
You are also welcome to contact us directly via email ( or by phone (+43 (0) 3133 / 2274 - 9218).
Opening times
Monday till Thursday | 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Friday | 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. |
Monday till Thursday | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. |
as well as by telephone on +43 3133/6100.
Arrival & location
Despite the absolute rest position, the Schwarzl Clinic is conveniently located, only 1.5 hours drive from Vienna and 15 minutes from Graz International Airport in the heart of green Styria.
What is nearby:
approx. 180 km Vienna
approx. 25 km Airport Graz
approx. 20 km Graz main train station
approx.. 2 km Train station Laßnitzhöhe
Accessibility by regional bus or train:
Bus Linie 420 - Andreas-Hofer-Platz direction Gleisdorf / stop Schwarzlklinik
ÖBB Linie S3 - Graz main station to station Lassnitzhöhe: Pick up from the train station possible in advance