Therapy offer

There will be an extensive therapeutic program (participation in which is crucial) during the stay. Its goal is to enable the ability to rejoin a regulated work life and a pleasant social life. The service is done by a team of medical specialists, psychotherapists, qualified nursing personal, clinical psychologists, organization- and ergo therapists as well as sport and movement therapists. Physical therapie(movement therapy) finds more and more importance as time passes. Each and every person is ought to do some kind of sporty activity for 150 minutes per week. Only about 20 percent of the general public is able to do so though. The goal of our facility is to get people motivated for physical activity. Therefore, there are different types of therapy. Our multi professional team supplies our patients with a wide spectrum of movement therapies like morning activities, relaxing movement, yoga, led hikes etc. here at the Private Clinic St. Radegund.


Ihr erster Tag in der Reha

Um Ihnen das Ankommen so unkompliziert und angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, haben wir Ihnen einen genauen Plan erstellt, in dem Sie den Ablauf des ersten und zweiten Tages in unserer Klinik sowie zahlreiche nützliche Informationen nachlesen können.

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1. Medical measures

A 24-hour medical and nursing service is always provided here at Private Clinic St. Radegund.


3. Sport therapy

Physical training such as gymnastics and sport therapy over to relaxing baths, meditation and Asian art of movement are vital for curing of the effects of a mental illness. The wisdom of the Chinese movement arts is channeled through Qi Gong and Tai Chi. The arts are used to increase strength, endurance, agility as well as confidence in the patient's own power. It also helps with motivation in sporty and activities and overall happiness.

5. Creativ therapy


One's zest of life can be regained with our creative activities such as playing music, painting and dancing. The cause of unhappiness can often times be a twisted self-image and creativity can be used as part of the cure.

The variety of therapeutic measures is very wide. It is astounding what kinds of hidden talents can be awoken in nearly everyone by professional music and painting therapy.

7. Music therapy

Consciously listening to music and being aware of the sounds can help with creativity, memory and activates certain feelings and additionally it also helps with awareness. Listening to music, dancing to music or even playing music can be a new-found way of expressing your self. The music and the communication about it are in the focus of our work.

9. Social work

"Social work encourages personal development, autonomy, emancipation, adaption and expressiveness. It enables people solve their individual problems on their own (again)". (Berufsbild der Sozialarbeiter, obds, 2004)

The social workers of the Private Hospital St. Radegund provide personal consulting in the topics of work/ profession, (financial) support and psychosocial aftercare. Social workers cooperate with the team to mediate information between the clinic, social insurance, information centers, the authorities and the AMS as well as other facilities.

2. Psychotherapy

It is generally known as a verbal form of communication with the goal of decreasing mental suffering. A good relationship between the patient and the therapist is vital for a positive change. Every patient gets a reference therapist assigned to at the reception which supports and cares for the patient and coordinates the therapy. Psychotherapy takes place individually as well as in groups.

Psychotherapy is practiced by qualified employees in the renovated departments of behavior therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, creativity therapy and transaction analytics.

4. Ergotherapy

The goal of ergo therapy is to regain abilities such as doing target orientated tasks and relearning manual steps in the workshop.

We exercise practically and life orientated which also allows our patients to live their creative side in manual tasks and goes up to as far as training concentration and endurance with a wide verity of materials.


6. Pet therapy

Dogs are seen as very calming for the patients within therapy. The communication between humans and animals often times improves the therapeutic situation, soothes the general condition and helps at raising one's quality of life. Hippotherapy is an available form of therapy including specially trained horses. The received impulses from riding on a horse have a good effect on the healing procedure.

8. Mutual help from patients

Experience shows that mutual understanding within groups of patients with similar problems causes solitary which further supports the healing process. Psychiatric therapy is held in groups of about 12 patients and represents a family like environment to feel save in.

10. Nada ear acupuncture

This very special method of treatment is practiced by exclusively qualified nursing staff. It is done by placing 5 needles in each of the patients ears and are removed 30- 40 minutes later.

The NADA ear acupuncture was developed in America and counts as complementary method of treatment which can be combined with different therapies in order reach a permanent stabilization.

This method of treatment is only practiced after a doctor ordered so and is recommended for people who suffer from:

  • a psychiatric disability
  • pressure
  • internal unrest
  • sleeping disorder
  • an addiction (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) which they want to overcome

NADA ear acupuncture can cause the following effects:

  • better concentration while relaxing
  • reduction of anxiety
  • physical and mental stabilization
  • regulated sleep
  • soothing of vegetative complains (tachycardia, pain, massive sweating, internal unrest, nausea...)
  • decreases addiction

We want to give an understanding of further therapeutic methods in order to support you in the best way possible during rehabilitation.

11. Psychiatrische Pflege

Unsere Krankenpflege orientiert sich stark an den Bedürfnissen unserer Patienten. Aus diesem Grund legen wir Wert auf individuelle Pflege unserer Patienten, die diese aufgrund momentaner Situation und Allgemeinzustandes benötigt und annehmen wollen/können. Unsere zum Großteils ausgebildeten psychiatrisch diplomierten Pflegepersonen treten unseren Patienten empathisch entgegen und bieten jederzeit bei Ängsten, Sorgen oder in belastenden Situationen eine Gesprächsmöglichkeit an.
Wir fordern unsere Patienten zur Selbstständigkeit und eigenverantwortlicher Mitgestaltung im pflegerischen Prozess auf. Dieses Pflegemodell ‚Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe‘ orientiert sich nach dem Konzept von Dorothea Orem.