Zufriedene Kundin der Privatklinik Laßnitzhöhe.

Your first day of the Reha


Drive towards the car park to the main entrance to unload your luggage. At the entrance of the main entrance you will find transport trolleys for your luggage. After unloading, you can park your car for free on our own parking lot.

Here you can read more about the arrival and location of our hospital

Check-in at the reception

Please bring your patient reference sheet and the declarations of consent, which you received together with the invitation letter, as well as a photo ID. Upon admission, you will receive various documents and information for your stay, the treatment plan for the next few days, your room key, as well as your appointment for your medical admission interview. If you have not paid your deductible, provided that you have one to pay, you are welcome to do so on the afternoon of your arrival.

From 10:30 a.m. your room is ready to move in.


The medical and nursing admission takes place on the admission day in the room.


Lunch will take place in the dining room from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
If desired, our cafeteria also offers snacks or lunch menus for your companions at affordable prices.


Dinner is served in the dining room from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


Round off your day with a walk or in our cafeteria. Information about other recreational opportunities during your stay can be found here.



Unser Frühstücksbuffet steht für Sie von 7:00 – 09:00 Uhr zur Verfügung.

Start der Therapien

Siehe individueller Therapieplan


Falls Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Therapieplan haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an den zuständigen Arzt