- 330 beds (single and double rooms only, as well as a room with constant monitoring for the critical ill)
- Spacious therapy area
- Modern indoor swimming pool (Balneotherapy) with a winter garden
- Hairdresser and pedicurist
- Cafeteria with adjacent terrace
- Kiosk, lounge
- Relaxation area with a tea corner
- Library, sunbathing area
Dear patients,
we look forward to welcoming you again as usual in our private clinic Lassnitzhöhe - with strict observance of all protective measures!
We will be happy to answer your inquiries by phone at +43 3133 / 2274-7161. You also have the possibility to send us your request by email to office@privatklinik-lassnitzhoehe.at.
We will contact you in good time about your planned rehabilitation stay with us.
Prim.Dr. Eva Kronberger-Schaffer, medical director
Andrea Geiger MSc, administration manager
Katrin Köfer MSc, MPH, nursing management
For more information on coronavirus (COVID-19), see also:
Protective Measures
Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe
Progress, humanity and competence - the Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe has more than lived up to these values for years. Qualitatively high treatments with a focus on constant medical and therapeutic progress, many years of experience and human endeavour are not just a catchphrase to us but have been lived by in our house for many years.
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Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe at a glance
Contractor & Application
You may be admitted to the Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe by means of a written application by the attending physician. Your treating doctor (general practitioner, specialist, doctor of an inpatient facility) forwards this application to the responsible Health Insurance Company. The Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe has contracts with all Austrian social and pension insurance carriers, as well as numerous private insurance companies, thus enabling a comfortable direct accounting.
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Our team
'Behind every successful company there is an amazing team!' Our employees are not only well-trained but also used to looking beyond the horizon and doing their job with great dedication, cordiality and passion. Take a look behind the scenes on our team page.
You love dealing with patients, are enthusiastic about your job and want to grow with SANLAS? Become part of our team and contribute to the health and well-being of our patients using our holistic range of services. Working with us you can turn your profession into a meaningful vocation.
Leisure program
Whether relaxing in the pool or sauna, enjoying a massage or the cultural offerings such as concerts, readings, shows, dances, painting and music classes together with other patients – our clinic offers plenty of opportunities for you to spend your free time actively.
Management & consulting
Zusätzlich zum umfangreichen Angebot an medizinischen Leistungen zählt zu unseren Kompetenzen der Bereich „Gesundheitsmanagement und Consulting“. Auf diesem Sektor sind wir bereits seit geraumer Zeit in vielen Ländern Europas, MENA Staaten (Middle East & North Africa), Zentralasien und China tätig und konnten uns dadurch international einen guten Ruf aufbauen. In der Führung von Rehabilitations-, Pflege- und Senioreneinrichtungen blicken wir auf über 40 Jahre Erfahrung und damit jede Menge gesammeltes Know-how zurück.
„Kompetenz & Qualität zu jedem Zeitpunkt“ lautet unsere Devise – und diese wird in allen Einrichtungen der SANLAS Holding gelebt. Um dieses hohe Niveau dauerhaft garantieren zu können, haben wir uns seit 2005 dazu verpflichtet, die umfangreichen Qualitätsanforderungen der internationalen QM-Norm EN ISO 9001 i.d.j.g.F. in sämtlichen Prozessen und Abläufen zu erfüllen, um die Qualität unserer Dienstleistungen stetig zu verifizieren und zu optimieren.
Frequently asked questions
May I go home on the weekend?
This is only possible in exceptional cases on request and authorization by the paying insurance company.
Can I choose the therapies?
Therapies are compiled by the doctor according to the needs of the patient and the performance profile of the insurance. Therefore, changes are only possible after medical consultation.
Is there a leisure program?
What should I bring to the rehab?