Patient rights
Rights and obligations of patients of the Private Hospital Hollenburg.
Patients 'rights derive from fundamental rights and freedoms and are human rights that deal with human dignity and self-determination.
The regulations on patient rights are scattered across many areas of law.
From the patients' point of view, patient rights are primarily derived directly from the treatment contract which is concluded between the patient and the respective healthcare professional or hospital. From the treatment contract is a direct enforcement of rights z. As the right to a conscientious treatment and care and the right to education.
Patients have the right to:
- appropriate information and explanation of the medical facts
- conscientious treatment and care according to the current state of medical, nursing and therapeutic science and experience
- consent to or refuse a treatment
- recognition of maturity and human dignity
- confidentiality of practitioners
- theming alleged medical errors
- Firs aid
Closely linked to rights are always duties and the assumption of responsibility. Although there are no expressly formulated obligations of the patients in the laws, they nevertheless exist. They result from the treatment contract and indirectly from the rights of health professionals.
The health maintenance, recovery and / or improvement of the state of health are in the self-interest of each patient. It is therefore also the responsibility of the patient to "collaborate" and "participate" in the healing efforts in order to achieve a corresponding treatment success.
Patients have the duty to:
- compliance with treatment guidelines and individual treatment plans
- achieve the active and constructive cooperation in the rehabilitation process, cooperation with doctors, therapists and nursing staff during psychiatric rehabilitation
- maintain the basic nicotine, alcohol and drug abstinence
- adapt to the necessary organizational requirements of the clinic
- comply with the house rules
- behave appropriately towards fellow patients and hospital staff
- maintain the privacy rights of fellow patients and hospital staff