How is the treatment plan designed during my stay?
Every Friday afternoon, you will receive your current treatment plan for the following 6 weeks. On average, there are 1,240 therapy minutes per week, consisting of psychotherapy, occupational therapy, clinical and health psychology, physiotherapy and sports therapy, creative and music therapy, subject-specific groups and training courses. Additional to the therapy program two medical visits per week are made.
Therapies take place from Monday to Friday (all day) and on Saturdays (half day), Sundays and holidays are therapy-free. In addition to the basic program, doctors will prescribe further therapies as needed. Supplementary therapies may be f.e. from the departments of dietology, massage and social work in group and individual settings.
Therapeutic outputs
Provided that your rehabilitation course is positive, you can go home on weekends under the following conditions: At a distance of more than 150 km to the place of residence maximum 2 x 2 nights. Under 150km distance a maximum of 3 x 1 night. The therapeutic exits must be agreed in advance with the doctor.
General information - Duration of stay
The length of stay is determined by the pension insurance or your social insurance. In individual cases, a shortening or an extension can be applied for with your respective payee.