Clinical psychology
In the context of the therapy, trusting conversation, in which you can address your fears, worries and needs, is very important to us. Below is a detailed overview of all treatment areas.
Clinical and health psychology area:
- Learning the relaxation techniques, biofeedback
- Smoking cessation
- Pain, anxiety and depression treatment
- Support in life, coping with the diseases, showing the new perspectives
- Stress management
Neuropsychological area:
- Clarification and training of cognitive functions (attention and concentration, memory, spatial-visual perception, problem-solving strategies...)
- Traffic and driver behavior psychology
- Blurred vision therapy
A special feature of the Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe is the training center for cerebral visual disorders:
- Visual field training for hemianopsia (half-sided visual field loss) and other visual field defects
- Training of the visual neglect (visual neglect of a half-space), of disturbances of visual-spatial perception (distance estimation, distance-form or size-estimation)
The latest computer programs and large-scale projections with large visual angle eccentricity and everyday relevance are available:
- Saccade training for rapid compensation of failures
- OKS (Optokinetic Stimulation Therapy) to improve attentional orientation with half-sided neglect)
- Diagnosis and treatment of the visual reading disorders
- Neurovisual therapy: visual restitution therapy (VRT) in hemianopsia, quadrant anesthesia or scotoma
Visual Restitution Therapy (VRT) is a new, scientifically proven vision therapy. It helps people with neurological visual disorders. For example, after stroke, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, etc. The computer program, which is individually geared to the respective visual disturbance, stimulates the damaged nerve cells to take over visual functions and thereby improve the quality of life.
Senior psychologist: Mag.a Judith Bekiaris