Medical services & focus
1. General surgery
We offer all the possibilities of currently common general surgery with modern equipment and excellent doctors. All operations that can be performed minimally invasively (endoscopically) are offered as well as breast, cecal, gallbladder, stomach and bowel operations.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn)
In the context of various intestinal diseases (such as gluten intolerance), it may additionally come to the so-called reflux disease (heartburn). Often, this disease cannot be treated adequately with medication - moreover, there may be an increased risk of cancer. Through an endoscopic ("buttonhole surgery") surgery, the so-called fundoplication, the stomach entrance is reinforced, so that the backflow of gastric acid into the esophagus is prevented. These and many other types of "keyhole hole surgery" (for each specialty) are offered in the Private Hospital Leech with our specialists for our patients in hotel-alike atmosphere.
Minimally invasice surgery „Keyhole surgery“
The endoscopic surgical method has had its place in surgery for a long time. It is designed for the smallest cuts, along with the different instruments and optics introduced into joints or body cavities. With these and with a screen, the surgeon performs various operations. The big advantage for patients: significantly less postoperative pain, much faster mobilization, much shorter hospital stays and significantly better cosmetic results.
The uses of endoscopic surgery include: gallbladder surgery, hernia, cecum, large intestine and stomach. In addition, heartburn operations and orthopedic surgery of all major joints, as well as thoracic intervention, gynecological and urological procedures. Our surgical team of specialists is available to you individually for the preliminary consultation.

2. Anesthesia
The anesthesia in our private hospital is managed and supervised by experienced and state-of-the-art colleagues. The focus is on the well-being of patients with individual care. Depending on the type of procedure and also on the request of the patient, all forms of today's anesthesia are performed. These include general anesthesia with mask, laryngeal mask or intubation, volatile or intravenous, regional anesthesia with local anesthesia, conduction block, spinal or epidural anesthesia.
Anesthesia that helps the patient and gives them a feeling of security, postoperative monitoring by anesthetists and nursing staff is an essential part of today's surgical care. Thus, in addition to the highest possible safety, a comfortable and almost painless course of a surgical procedure is guaranteed for our patients.
3. Ophthalmology
In the field of ophthalmology, we offer professional equipment to carry out all modern types of surgery. Particularly noteworthy are the treatment of "cataracts", lens implantations and eyelid surgery to heal or alleviate eye problems. Your treating physician takes care of you personally and relies on the caring team of the Private Hospital Leech.

4. Dermatology
Dermatology requires a high sensitivity for changes in this large-scale human organ. In addition to the technical knowledge, appropriate experience and targeted prevention and recording methods also belong to the general medical quality standard. The endoscopically performed laser vascular surgery is also an exciting and at the same time scientifically founded area in which our specialists can offer expert advice and implementation.
5. Vascular surgery
Our vascular surgeons ensure a high quality of treatment during surgery and catheter interventions on arm and leg vessels (intermittent claudication).
In addition to minimally invasive varicose surgery, alternative procedures such as varicose obliteration with laser and the radio-frequency catheter method are used to achieve optimal cosmetic results. The stage-appropriate therapy selection leads to the safe and permanent removal of varicose veins.
Varicose vein disease affects 30 to 40% of all adults. This is understood to mean the enlargement of the superficial leg veins, usually caused by leaky venous valves of the so-called stem veins in the groin or popliteal fossa (= primary varices).
Due to the backwater, especially when standing, it comes thereby to the increasing expansion of the side branches. Standing occupations, pregnancy, lack of exercise or incorrect footwear (high heels) favor the emergence in addition to the individual propensity to disease. Depending on the severity, a distinction is made between spider veins, reticular varices and true varices, which are typically tortuous and bulge over the skin level. Heavy forms lead to skin changes to the lower leg ulcer. Overall, there is an increased risk of thrombosis in varices (surgical interventions, air travel, etc.).

6. ENT
The Private Hospital Leech all standard ENT procedures are carries out. The focus and specialization are in the following head and neck surgery techniques:
The endoscopic endonasal operations in the nasal sinus area, in chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses (polyps). Affected are patients with recurring sinusitis, headache, secretory flow, chronic ear, throat or lung discomfort. In a minimally invasive way, endoscopes are used to remove diseased mucosal areas in the paranasal sinus system via the nose without having to make any externally visible incisions. Such procedures are performed in anesthesia and are not very stressful for the patient. Slime-destroying radical operations can thus be almost completely replaced. Functional as well as aesthetic corrections of the nose. Not only cosmetic aspects are emphasized, but especially the restoration of physiological nasal function and nasal breathing. In cases of snoring problems or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can be helped by surgical changes to the soft palate.
Microsurgical procedures in the middle ear and larynx treat patients with chronic ear diseases as well as vocal chord changes (polyps, tumors). Voice enhancement surgery (phonosurgery), through laryngeal skeletal corrections or titanium vocal cord implants, allows for the deep recovery of voice or pitch change. Conventional ENT operations such as tonsillectomy, adenotomy and others are of course also part of our spectrum. For all the mentioned interventions a highly qualified medical team as well as a specially trained nursing staff for ENT surgical interventions are available. The treatment of tinnitus and dizziness is carried out in conservative stays.
7. Internal medicine
In subjects such as internal medicine today, diseases are treated conservatively with detailed diagnostics, infusions and differentiated medication. Internal medicine specializes in several disciplines in order to better respond to the different clinical pictures. Vascular, cardiac, metabolic and immunological disorders are diagnosed and treated today by angiologists, cardiologists, gastro-enterologists, nutritionists and specialists in MS, rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases. Our partners will gladly assist you with these forms of diseases with detailed diagnostics and the most promising therapy in the Private Hospital Leech.
Blood pressure and diabetes control, the conservative treatment of all heart conditions, treatments for pulmonary diseases and circulatory disorders as well as the treatment of severe infections that require hospitalization. We pay particular attention to the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Our specialists help with gastroscopy, colonoscopy and, if necessary, with a polypectomy for the early detection of diseases, so that they do not lead to serious diseases and possible forms of cancer.

8. Neurosurgery
As a medical specialty, neurosurgery includes the detection and surgical treatment of diseases, malformations and (consequences of) injuries to the central and peripheral nervous system. She also deals with the corresponding preliminary examinations, conservative treatment procedures and rehabilitation. The subject is independent and is not assigned to surgery or neurology. In connection with this, we offer all surgical methods in the Private Hospital Leech for intervertebral disc, spinal column operations, nerve reconstructions or also the neurolysis of different nerves eg. CTS.
9. Orthopedic surgery
In the field of surgery of the musculoskeletal system a variety of surgical methods and optimal after care phases are needed. We therefore have an experienced medical team, which not only cares about the provision of care, but also the aftercare of our patients.
We have a wealth of experience in this area, which we use in daily practice with the best possible results. Should conservative treatment methods not lead to the desired healing or palliation success, then the decision to undergo a surgical procedure. In particular, endoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery, has brought great progress in this area for both healing and course. Patients often experience noticeable improvements in a short time and the associated risk has been minimized as well.
With modern endoscopy units, all larger and smaller joints can be minimally invasively operated at the highest level. Should a joint replacement be unavoidable, the most diverse total endoprostheses can be implanted by our specialists and our highly experienced team. The subsequent rehabilitation can be organized at the request of the patient in the Private Hospital Laßnitzhöhe

10. Plastic surgery
Specialist plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery operations are carried out in our hospital: aesthetic surgery (face, neck, brow lifting, upper and lower eyelid correction, wrinkle removal with fillers, lip fillers, laser, Botox, ear correction, nose correction, hair transplantation Breast reduction, enlargement, reconstruction, arm tightening, abdominoplasty, abdominal plastic surgery, thigh lifting, body contouring (even after massive weight loss), fatty tissue aspiration, transplantation)
Reconstructive surgery (after injuries for form and function restoration, scar repair, surgical burn injury treatment, hand surgery, diabetic foot surgery, tumor surgery, peripheral nerve surgery microsurgery) Correction of congenital malformations (surgery of the so-called sponge blood; hand malformation)
Plastic surgery (ancient Greek: plastein - form, shape, shape) performs form-altering and restorative procedures. This leads to the improvement of the body shape and function, since predominantly visible body regions are affected. This improves self-esteem and positively affects the social position of those affected.
11. Pain therapy
The term "pain therapy" summarizes all therapeutic measures that lead to a reduction of pain. Since the treatment of chronic pain in particular requires an interdisciplinary approach, the term pain management is often used. This is understood as an umbrella term for all planning, monitoring and controlling measures that are necessary for the design of an effective pain therapy. This term summarizes aspects such as pain-causing interventions, pain management measures, affected persons, documentation and the organization of pain therapy.
The approach of multimodal pain therapy is based on combined pain management, which involves interdisciplinary treatment of patients with chronic pain conditions (eg, spinal disorders), including cancer pain involving psychiatric, psychosomatic, or psychological disciplines, following a medical treatment plan with treatment guidance.

12. Urology
In our private hospital, the most modern and advanced surgical methods in the field of urology are performed. From minimally invasive stone surgery using flexible endoscopes and lasers to surgery for bladder tumors, to endoscopic and open prostate surgery. Acute kidney stones can be treated around the clock at the Private Hospital Leech.
13. 24-, 48-Stunden checkup
Precaution: The lifestyle and the health consciousness of us humans influence, according to the recent findings of the modern medicine, the emergence of illnesses. This means that a sensible approach to diet, exercise and prevention are elements that we should add to us.
Precaution: The lifestyle and the health consciousness of us humans influence, according to the recent findings of the modern medicine, the emergence of illnesses. This means that a sensible approach to diet, exercise and prevention are elements that we should add to us.
As a precautionary measure, Private Hospital Clinic offers a 24-hour and 48-hour checkup - doctors recommend that it be carried out regularly. The same applies to the endoscopies, which can detect the emergence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as a preventive measure early. For this we use the so-called "soft" endoscopy in the Private Hospital Leech, in particular the colonoscopy, in which you "overslept" the examination by a short-term effective form of anesthesia.
After the examination, you will rest, receive a breakfast, a snack or a lunch, depending on the time of day, and then leave our Private Hospital Leech. Often, for clarification and to ensure that no pathological changes are present, a histological examination of a taken tissue sample is performed, the result of which you will receive with the findings of the investigation about 1 week later. The focus and goal is the early detection of risk factors and the prevention of resulting diseases with severe long-term consequences.
High blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, gout and obesity due to inactivity lead to diseases that are absolutely life-shortening. Cardiological, vascular and lung diseases are just as common. Recognized at an early stage, these risk factors are very easy to control and, if treated accordingly, lead to a significantly improved quality of life in old age and statistically proven to increase life expectancy.
Prerequisite for this are regular check-ups by the doctor and check of the laboratory values, rest and exercise ECG, possibly 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and 24-hour Holter ECG, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, especially for familial risk groups. Excellent diagnostic imaging examinations such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance examination of the entire body can be performed in case of suspicion.
The result of all diagnostic investigations with the laboratory, X-ray, ultrasound and CT offers you with the final discussion by experienced specialists, therapy recommendations and further treatment steps, which will lead you to the relief and healing.